Young Preschool Program
Young Preschool Program – a.k.a Explorers

HHCC’s young preschool program serves up to 20 children between the ages of 3 and 4 with two full-time teachers.  This program is an introductory class to the 4 year old preschool program.

Daily Activities

  • Art: drawing, painting, collages, etc.
  • Sensory table: water, snow, bubbles
  • Dramatic play: dress-up, puppets
  • Outdoor play with group games
  • Reading
  • Circle time
  • Free play: blocks, manipulatives, dramatic play, books

Classroom Philosophy

In the preschool, children learn best by exploring various interests during periods of uninterrupted play.  Children develop knowledge and skills by making their own discoveries.  Positive relationships with peers and teachers are essential to the learning process.

Classroom Goal

To nourish all facets of children’s development and help them to get along with others in an environment that encourages a positive self-image.